Optimisation Group Webinar: Invited talk at Newcastle University

Dr Merlinda Andoni, University of Glasgow. ‘‘Strategic decision-making on low-carbon technology and network capacity investments using game theory’’ Abstract: “Rapid adoption of renewable technologies has in many areas led to undesired curtailment. This means that not only renewable production is wasted, but often curtailment comes with high costs for renewable energy developers and energy end-users. […]

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New Publication – A review: Challenges and opportunities for artificial intelligence and robotics in the offshore wind sector

The Smart Systems Group is pleased announce the publication of its latest article in Elsevier‘s open access journal, Energy and AI. Titled – “A review: Challenges and opportunities for artificial intelligence and robotics in the offshore wind sector“, this article represents a collaborative work between the Smart Systems Group, the Intelligent and Autonomous Systems Group […]

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New Publication: A Review of Sensing Technologies for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Structural Composite Materials

The Smart Systems Group are pleased to announce a new publication titled “A Review of Sensing Technologies for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Structural Composite Materials“. Published in MDPI Journal of Composite Science, this article reviews the growing demand and diversity in the application of industrial composites, and the current inability of present non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods […]

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New Publication: Prognostics for Electromagnetic Relays Using Deep Learning

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3140645 Electromagnetic Relays (Electromagnetic Relay (EMR)s) are omnipresent in electrical systems, ranging from mass-produced consumer products to highly specialised, safety-critical industrial systems. Our detailed literature review focused on EMR reliability highlighting the methods used to estimate the State of Health or the Remaining Useful Life emphasises the limited analysis and understanding of expressive EMR […]

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Resilience Autonomous Mission Update: Multi-Robot Fleet

The Smart Systems Group have continued their work in creating a Symbiotic System of Systems Approach (SSOSA) for robotics and autonomous systems. A challenge exists for robotics when these systems are deployed in known or unknown areas around humans, other robots and infrastructure. The Smart Systems Group seek to address these Resilience and Reliability challenges […]

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University of Glasgow : Cyber Physical Systems

Professor David Flynn, founder of the Smart Systems Group, has accepted a new position as at the University of Glasgow as a Professor of Cyber Physical Systems. Professor Flynn will continue to support Heriot-Watt University (HWU) as a Visiting Professor and will continue to mentor several research associates and PhD students within the SSG who […]

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New Publication: Cyber Physical Systems, Solutions to Pandemic Challenges

The Smart Systems Group are pleased to announce the coming publication of Cyber Physical Systems, Solutions to Pandemic Challenges where, in collaboration with University of Edinburgh, we showcase The Future Workplace: A Symbiotic System of Systems Environment. The current pandemic has had catastrophic implications for people all across the world in terms of health and […]

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A Method for DC Arc Fault Detection, Classification and Mitigation in Electric Vehicles

Arc faults in the power distribution system of an electric vehicle (EV) can result in damage to cables and associated equipment, as well as threaten the safety of the occupants of the EV. On-board components can create differential background noise, which limits the reliability of current arc detection methods. Within this paper an accurate and […]

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Deep Learning Pipeline for State-of-Health Classification of Electromagnetic Relays

The transition of AI into industrial maintenance faces significant challenges due to the inherent complexities of industrial operations, such as variability in components due to manufacturing, integration, dynamic operating environments and variable loading conditions. Therefore, AI in critical industrial systems requires more advanced capabilities such as robustness, scalability and verifiability. Our paper presents the first […]

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New Publication: Yield Assessment of off-grid PV Systems in Nigeria

Well done to our PhD student Christie Etukudor on her recent publication at the IEEE Power Africa Conference. Christie’s research was in response to the needs of over 592 million people who in Sub-Saharan Africa have no access to electricity. An issue being compounded by COVID related delays to investments in critical energy services. Christie created a hybrid […]

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