DIGIT Editor’s Pick | The Challenges and Opportunities of Big Data

Published online by Digit, the Smart Systems Group’s Professor David Flynn explores how industry, society and government extract future value from Big Data. Many businesses, organisations and government departments are increasingly interested in unlocking the value of big data analytics to gain a detailed insight into their stakeholders and market trends. However, this fascination with […]

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SSG Research Work Published in Proceedings of Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) 2020

Smart Systems Group Researchers Jamie Blanche and Dr Osama Zaki are lead authors of recently published papers in the proceedings of the 2020 Offshore Technology Conference available through https://www.onepetro.org/. The conference organisers decided that despite having to cancel the conference due to the worldwide COVID-19 crisis that the work produced for the conference be published. […]

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ORCA Hub Researchers to present work at the 2020 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston in May

Run-time Safety Compliance and Self-Certification for Robotics. Irrespective of the mission, environment or robotic platform you need Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) operating efficiently and safely – first time and every time. We have developed a transferable framework that integrates infrastructure, robotic and personnel data, to support safety and mission success. Within our framework we […]

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