New Publication: A Machine Learning Degradation Model for Electrochemical Capacitors Operated at High Temperature

Congratulations to Darius Roman, Valentin Robu and David Flynn for acceptance of their research to IEEE Access. Their publication “A Machine Learning Degradation Model for Electrochemical Capacitors Operated at High Temperature” was a collaborative work between the Smart Systems Group, the Argonne National Laboratory, Baker Hughes, the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) and […]

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New method for controlling and sharing the benefits from community energy projects

Congratulations to Sonam Norbu, Benoit Couraud, Valentin Robu, Merlinda Andoni and David Flynn on the acceptance of their publication “Modelling the redistribution of benefits from joint investments in community energy projects” to Elsevier’s Applied Energy journal. Applied Energy provides a forum for information on innovation, research, development and demonstration in the areas of energy conversion and conservation, the optimal […]

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Symbiotic System Design for Safe and Resilient Autonomous Robotics in Offshore Wind Farms

We are pleased to announce an early release of our research into symbiotic systems. This top-down approach to modelling the complex interactions of industrial autonomous services presents several advancements that will enable a roadmap to trust, resilient autonomous operations and safety compliance. The preprint is available on ArXiv by clicking here and video presentation which […]

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Asset Integrity Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades with Non-Destructive Radar Sensing -Available on IEEE Xplore Open Access

Global growth in onshore and offshore wind energy has created a forecasted 11.5% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) increase in Wind Turbine (WT) blades throughout 2020-2025. The ability to verify blade condition throughout the asset lifecycle is integral to economic and reliable renewable energy supplies. Currently, commercial inspection of deployed wind turbine blades is predominately […]

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An Evaluation of Millimetre-wave Radar Sensing for Civil Infrastructure – Available on IEEE Xplore Open Access

Critical infrastructure is a dense network of systems that provide vital services such as energy, transport and water. Continuous cycles of monitoring and repair are vital to the economic development and functions of a community. Current detection methods of subsurface fault precursors in civil infrastructure are insufficient for subsurface defect detection. In this paper, “An […]

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PhD opportunity: Digital surrogate of a microwave sensor system

We are pleased to announce an exciting new PhD opportunity, via our EPS scholarships 2021 programme. A microwave sensor system was created to detect the intrinsic and varying properties of materials via non-destructive evaluation. The system is made of a horn antenna and a frequency modulated continuous wave radar system that allows the processing of […]

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HOME Offshore: Advanced Sensing for Offshore Asset Management

We are pleased to share our latest outreach video, hosted on our Smart Systems Group YouTube channel. In this video, we have summarised and demonstrated the latest research outcomes of Heriot-Watt University and the Smart System Group, which innovative fusion prognostics approaches on offshore Asset Management. We utilise advanced sensing technologies, multi-physical models, data-driven and […]

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Developing the Energy Systems of the Future

A new ground-breaking local energy company, ReFLEX Orkney Ltd, has today [1st December] launched a range of new low-carbon transport and power services exclusive to Orkney residents and businesses to further decarbonise the island’s energy system.  This is a major milestone for the £28.5 million ReFLEX Orkney project which is part funded by UK Research […]

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Asset Integrity Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades with Non-Destructive Radar Sensing

Global growth in onshore and offshore wind energy has created a forecasted 11.5% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) increase in Wind Turbine (WT) blades throughout 2020-2025. The ability to verify blade condition throughout the asset lifecycle is integral to economic and reliable renewable energy supplies. Currently, commercial inspection of deployed wind turbine blades is predominately […]

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An Evaluation of Millimetre-wave Radar Sensing for Civil Infrastructure

Critical infrastructure is a dense network of systems that provide vital services such as energy, transport and water. Continuous cycles of monitoring and repair are vital to the economic development and functions of a community. Current detection methods of subsurface fault precursors in civil infrastructure are insufficient for subsurface defect detection. In this paper we […]

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