New Publication: Analysis of Strategic Renewable Energy, Grid and Storage Capacity Investments via Stackelberg-Cournot modelling

Congratulations to Dr. Merlinda Andoni, Dr. Valentin Robu, Dr. Benoit Couraud, Dr. Wolf-Gerrit Fruh, Mr. Sonam Norbu and Prof. David Flynn for the acceptance of their manuscript “Analysis of Strategic Renewable Energy, Grid and Storage Capacity Investments via Stackelberg-Cournot modelling” for publication in IEEE Access. IEEE Access is an award-winning, multidisciplinary, all-electronic archival journal, continuously presenting the […]

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New Publication: A Machine Learning Degradation Model for Electrochemical Capacitors Operated at High Temperature

Congratulations to Darius Roman, Valentin Robu and David Flynn for acceptance of their research to IEEE Access. Their publication “A Machine Learning Degradation Model for Electrochemical Capacitors Operated at High Temperature” was a collaborative work between the Smart Systems Group, the Argonne National Laboratory, Baker Hughes, the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) and […]

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New method for controlling and sharing the benefits from community energy projects

Congratulations to Sonam Norbu, Benoit Couraud, Valentin Robu, Merlinda Andoni and David Flynn on the acceptance of their publication “Modelling the redistribution of benefits from joint investments in community energy projects” to Elsevier’s Applied Energy journal. Applied Energy provides a forum for information on innovation, research, development and demonstration in the areas of energy conversion and conservation, the optimal […]

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Upcoming Webinar 17th September 2020: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Demand-Side Response

We are pleased to announce an upcoming webinar hosted by IEEE Smart Grid, titled “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Demand-Side Response” presented by Ioannis Antonopoulos, Benoit Couraud and Valentin Robu of the Smart Systems Group. This event will be held Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 11:00am EDT In the recent years, there has been […]

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New Publication: Prognostics and Health Management for the Optimization of Marine Hybrid Energy Systems

In 2018, Heriot-Watt University won the British Renewable Energy Association (BREA) award for the decarbonisation of transport, recognising quality, commitment and innovation in low carbon vehicles – cars, vans, buses, road freight or on farm vehicles, powered by clean electricity or sustainable biofuels – and alternative vehicle fuels. We are very pleased to now provide […]

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New Publication: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approaches to Energy Demand-Side Response: A Systematic Review

The Smart Systems Group, in collaboration with the Center for Collective Intelligence at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the School of Engineering at University of Edinburgh, the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) and Upside Energy are pleased to announce the publication of “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approaches to Energy Demand-side Response: A Systematic […]

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AI-driven Maintenance Support for Downhole Tools and Electronics Operated in Dynamic Drilling Environments

Well Done to our PhD students Lucas Kirschbaum and Darius Roman and the co-authorship team in Baker Hughes, Celle for their recent paper acceptance to IEEE Access for publication. This research represents a strong example of how the Smart Systems Group are creating solutions for complex challenges. An international partnership between Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh and […]

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Congratulations to Dr. Andoni and SSG Team for AAMAS 2020 Paper Acceptance

The Smart Systems Group team are proud to announce the publication of research led by Dr. Merlinda Andoni at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. “Strategic Decision-Making for Power Network Investments with Distributed Renewable Generation” represents one of 186 (23% of works submitted for publication) that were accepted as full papers, so […]

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